hereditary property

美 [həˈredɪteri ˈprɑːpərti]英 [həˈredɪtri ˈprɒpəti]
  • n.世袭财产
hereditary propertyhereditary property
  1. Progress of Study on Detection Way of Exogenous Hereditary Property in Wheat


  2. The Research on Hereditary Property of Human Fingerprint in a Relative Enclosed Region


  3. Study on Protein Hereditary Property Transferring Soybean Total DNA into Wheat by Low Energy Ion Beam


  4. Their characterizations , hereditary property and topological property are systematically studied .


  5. Studies on the hereditary property of Jian Carp


  6. The Hereditary Property and Topological Property of T_1 and T ( 3 / 2 ) - Frechet ( v ) Spaces


  7. Australian conifer bearing two-inch seeds tasting like roasted chestnuts ; among the aborigines the tree is hereditary property protected by law .


  8. With the development of exogenous hereditary property transferred into common wheat , the molecular biology , the morphological , cytological and biochemical detection ways had combined with FISH and molecular markers .


  9. In this paper , we introduce the concept of semi-Ti spaces , base on this we discuss their hereditary property and topological property . At last we discuss the relation among Ti spaces .


  10. That the first and the second (ω - countability ) are both hereditary property , countable multiplicative property and invariant property ( under ) (ω 1 ,ω 2 ) - homeomorphic order-homomorphism are proved .


  11. The morphologic features , yield traits , resistance to the cotton bollworm and hereditary property of the variant were investigated . The analysis of RAPD and ITS was undertaken among the donor line , the receptor line and the variant line .


  12. Hereditary property and classification of pre-selection plants of Armeniaca sibirica such as abundant bearing , late florescence , freeze resistance and sweet almond were studied with PAGE ( polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis ) of leaf peroxidase isoenzyme and seed soluble protein .


  13. It proves that the direct summand of a weak CS-module is not a weak CS-module by using a counter example , and that the weak CS-module satisfying the C_3-condition is of the hereditary property for its direct summand .


  14. Compared with CNBS , ONBS can mitigate the prominent random fluctuation and sampling deviation of hereditary property in population originated from gamete sampling in the replication breeding of small population since ONBS shows special homogeneity effects in migration so maintain genetic homogeneity to total population in a progressive way .


  15. The module characterization for periodic radical of associative rings is given , the result that the Jacobson property of rings determines a hereditary radical property is represented .
